• Finished reading: The Big Roads by Earl Swift πŸ“š

    Overall an excellent history starting from the concept & ideation through the building of the interstate system. One of the most fascinating aspects is the funding & planning politics between states and the federal government.

  • Finished reading: One Day by Gene Weingarten πŸ“š

    ​The premise is fairly simple, Gene Weingarten picks a date by random and does a deep dive into everything that happened. An excellent set of stories with details of how the events turned out after the day. Highly recommended.​

  • Using Unread on my phone has been one of the single best things I started doing. It’s minimalist and focused on letting you read without distraction. If you need a phone application for reading RSS feeds, I couldn’t recommend it more.

    I released Unread for Mac! Unread is an RSS reader with beautiful typography, color themes, and more. Unread has a long history on iPhone and iPad, and is now also available for Mac.

  • When hiking through the woods a couple weeks ago, I found a nice meadow with a rather interesting stone marker in the ground.

  • Made some garganelli a couple days ago and now the leftovers have been sitting on my counter drying out and tempting me. Currently debating what sauce I should use when I cook them.